BPU50C Vet

Color Doppler System
Delivering Premium Solutions

The BPU50B/BPU50C Exp will go beyond your expectations but not your budget.
Color Doppler entry level class hcu with 15" monitor and 2 transducer connects. 32.
channels,compatible with HD probes and latest generation probes, convertible monitor, 8-12 hours battery.

Diagnostic Ultrasound System

BPU50 is borne from our relentless efforts to be the most innovative ultrasound manufacturer in the world. Truly exceptional image quality combined with professional diagnosis applications and ergonomic design help bring with you refreshing experience: confidence, accuracy and comfort. This compact, portable ultrasound system is excellent for nearly every clinical situation, including cardiology, abdominal, OB/GYN, small parts, urology and so on.

Standard Configuration

Main system unit,mutil-frequency 3.5 MHz convex probe

Optional ltems

7.5 MHz high frequency linear probe(128 elements)

7.5 MHz multi-frequency rectal probe

5.0 MHz multi-frequencymicro-convexprobe(128 elements)

5.0 MHz multi-frequencymicro-convexprobe(128 elements)


15.6-inch high definition 50° fold-able LED monitor with anti-glare, 180 degree opening angle screen suitable for indoor and outdoor use
Exchangeable Li-ion battery for 7 hours scan function
Up to 2 Transducer Ports 

Light Weight (<6kg) and Compact
A comprehensive selection of probes: HD Linear, HD Convex, Micro-convex, Endocavity.
Wide range of specialties including cardiovascular, radiology, OB/GYN, urology, small parts, musculoskeletal, abdomen,veterinary etc.
Full patient database and image management solutions: DICOM 3.0, MP4/JPG, USB2.0, HDD,PDF report
Built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless connection ensures files are up to date (optional)




●Large Capacity Battery

●B/W video printer:


●Color ink-jet printer:HP

Officejet Pro


●External DVD

●Bluetooth Controller


●Size: 500mm×470mm×110mm (W×H×D)

●Weight: Approx. 6.5kg (at most, including battery )

●8-12 hours battery life

●Monitor: 15’’ widescreen and high-resolution color

●LCD monitor, LED backlight, anti-flickering and vertically

and horizontally rotatable

●Frame Rate: Up to 60fps

●Scan Depth: 40 cm(Probe Dependent)

6.5 KGS net weight

8-12 hours batery life

 touchpad design

Thickness 11CM

   50° Wide
viewing angle



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