
Veterinary Hematology Analyzer

True 5-Part WBC Differential PLUS Reticulocytes

Advanced XD115+ technology provides an accurate and comprehensive CBC (Complete Blood Count) with a true 5-part differential,including reticulocyte parameters, Get results you can trust in 90 seconds, presented in a sleek designed intuitive color touchscreen interface. The XD115+ not only detects white blood cell volume, but cellular complexity and granularity as well. In addition to being accurate and fast, the XD115+ remains very simple to use with intuitive navigation, simplifed data entry and easy reagent management. Complete CBC fast enough for the busiest clinics.

5-Part Differential+ Reticulocytes

Results in 90 seconds

Industry-Leading Technology


Intuitive Touchscreen Interface

Combination Technology

RFID Management


Consolidated Results and Reporting
• Combine results using the
Heskaview Connect™
program or transmit to
your PIMS.
• Rapidly retrieve patient
worklist with bi-directional

Easy Reagent Management
• Refill reagents with ease
using RFID technology and
on-board menu functions.

Intuitive Navigation

• Simplifed data entry and
patient test review with
numeric results, histograms
and scatter plots.

Advanced, 3rd generation dye technology
• More reliable reticulocyte detection

Flags for abnormal cell morphology & populations
• Abnormal Cell Populations
• Immature Granulocytes
• Nucleated Red Blood Cells
• Platelet Clumps
• and more…


Graphical Interpretations

WBC DIFF & RET Scatterplots

WBC DIFF & RET Scatterplots


Easy to Use:
Web-style links for simple navigation.

Simple Data Management:

Rapidly retrieve trending data from patient record.

Assign, unassign or delete multiple items at once.
Species-specisc reference ranges and color-coded