True 5-Part WBC Differential PLUS Reticulocytes
Advanced XD115+ technology provides an accurate and comprehensive CBC (Complete Blood Count) with a true 5-part differential,including reticulocyte parameters, Get results you can trust in 90 seconds, presented in a sleek designed intuitive color touchscreen interface. The XD115+ not only detects white blood cell volume, but cellular complexity and granularity as well. In addition to being accurate and fast, the XD115+ remains very simple to use with intuitive navigation, simplifed data entry and easy reagent management. Complete CBC fast enough for the busiest clinics.
Combination Technology
RFID Management

Consolidated Results and Reporting
• Combine results using the
Heskaview Connect™
program or transmit to
your PIMS.
• Rapidly retrieve patient
worklist with bi-directional
Easy Reagent Management
• Refill reagents with ease
using RFID technology and
on-board menu functions.
Intuitive Navigation
• Simplifed data entry and
patient test review with
numeric results, histograms
and scatter plots.
Advanced, 3rd generation dye technology
• More reliable reticulocyte detection
Flags for abnormal cell morphology & populations
• Abnormal Cell Populations
• Immature Granulocytes
• Nucleated Red Blood Cells
• Platelet Clumps
• and more…
Graphical Interpretations

WBC DIFF & RET Scatterplots

WBC DIFF & RET Scatterplots
Easy to Use:
Web-style links for simple navigation.
Simple Data Management:
Rapidly retrieve trending data from patient record.
Assign, unassign or delete multiple items at once.
Species-specisc reference ranges and color-coded